According to the President, one acre is dedicated to coffee, another to fruits (citrus and mangoes, pineapples), a third to pasture for feeding livestock, and the final acre is dedicated
The Cattle Corridor embraced dairy farming, which transformed the area, so Karamoja will not be difficult to transform.
The model is extremely practical because the various businesses depend on one another to sustain high production and high returns on investment due to the availability of free fertilizers.
President Museveni stated that the National Resistance Movement MPs agreed with him that value addition should be introduced because it helps all Ugandans.
President Yoweri Museveni advised leaders to take the lead in pushing their electorates to become intimately involved in strategic and commercial farming if they are to shift into the money
“if we seriously implement the Parish Development Model, we shall generate 70 million jobs in the seven million homesteads across the country through modern agriculture alone.”
The government’s commitment to bringing the bulk of Uganda’s population into the money economy has been reaffirmed by President Yoweri Museveni. By converting households from the non-money economy to the
The President stated that people who borrow money from the PDM should not be under any pressure to pay it back immediately; instead, they should be given more time in
West Nile residents have been urged by President Yoweri Museveni to quit being spectators and participate in the money economy in order to eradicate poverty and build prosperity. On Wednesday,
4,114,200 direct recipients are receiving assistance from the Presidential Initiative, which has already mobilized 205,710 parish associations under 6,748 Emyooga SACCOs.