Under the PDM program, which is supported by the government, every parish gets 100 million shillings per fiscal year.
Tirinyi is too far, according to Busia district secretary for health and education Betty Ajambo, who is pleading with the government to establish a new training center for the districts
The primary goal of the initiative, which was introduced in FY 2013–14, is to enable young people to realize their social and economic potential and raise their income levels and
On Friday, the kids in the second batch were dismissed to go to the Presidential Skilling hub located in the Kibuuku district’s Tirinyi.
The sole program remaining in operation at the College of Business and Management Sciences, according to its principal, Prof. Eria Hisali, is community training, which is part of the Entrepreneurship
The minister was also informed that 90% of the sh8.1b had been distributed and was being used by users.
The SACCO leaders said that after adding the phantom names covertly, the leaders sent the list to the municipal council, where acting town clerk Ocare, who serves as the PDM
Six district officials were detained last month for repeatedly accepting unscreened recipients of monies intended to move 3.5 million people locked in the subsistence sector into the money economy.
At least 1300 households have gotten sh107 million each, totaling sh139.1 million allocated to the 1,300 homes spread among the 5,024 parishes in the district’s 37 total parishes, according to
PDM is a multi-sectoral strategy that uses the parish as the center of Development to transition 39% of households from the subsistence economy to the money economy, resulting in socio-economic