The minister stated that the government has finally hushed the critics who warned that the current poverty Alleviation program will fail and result in a stillbirth.
During his tour of the West Nile Sub-region on Tuesday 11th April 2023, President Museveni congratulated Mr. Aliamoi Swaib and his family for rigorously following his advice of adopting contemporary
We don’t need spectators in the economy; we need everyone to be a player.” “It is not acceptable to see some people spectating while others are making money
It’s critical that our children learn these skills because by wearing the shirts you’re wearing, you’re supporting foreign business.
In her remarks, the ONC leader reminded Mityana residents that H.E Museveni has sent them greetings and is monitoring the situation. She thanked them for showing up in such large
President Yoweri Museveni has advised Ugandans to abandon subsistence farming in favor of commercial agriculture in order to create riches.
He claims that all believers should strive to participate in wealth creation because life has both spiritual and material requirements, and one cannot satisfy the spirit while starving the body.
We need government support; we will follow all innovations from all young people up to the village level.
RDC/RCCs and their deputies are expected to focus on the important responsibilities outlined in the Constitution so that common occurrences like the provision of air by contractors, shoddy construction, drug
According to the President, one acre is dedicated to coffee, another to fruits (citrus and mangoes, pineapples), a third to pasture for feeding livestock, and the final acre is dedicated