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President Museveni Urges Youth to Focus on Wealth Creation at Bunyoro Youth Empowerment Symposium

The President encouraged youth to adopt the 4-acre farming model, which includes diverse agricultural practices to generate income and create jobs.

On Friday, September 20, 2024, during the Bunyoro Youth Empowerment Symposium in Masindi, the President urged the youth to realize that their difficulties with household income may not always be resolved by requesting roads, electricity, and hospitals.

Richeness and progress are not the same things. The President stated, “You need to work to kick poverty out of your homes. The government can develop the country by offering better services like roads, electricity, and hospitals among other infrastructure, but it cannot put food on your table or create wealth for you.”

The goal of the event, which was arranged by Hon. Balaam Barugahara, Minister of State for young and Children Affairs, was to address young unemployment and advance community development.

Hon. Balaam claims that Masindi, like many other metropolitan regions, has experienced an increase in unemployment, especially among young people, which has led to an increase in urban crime.

President Museveni reaffirmed to the young people that money, which goes hand in hand with growth and job creation, is the solution to poverty. He exhorted the populace to distinguish between riches, which serves an individual or family, and growth, which benefits everyone.

“There were no roads or electricity in Rwakitura when I went there to buy land in 1967. Everywhere was covered in brush. The same thing happened when I purchased land in Kisozi. I was selling my milk and beef, and by the time good roads and power arrived, I was already wealthy. Thus, the President said, “You Bunyoro people should focus and concentrate on the basics and the rest will follow.” He also promised to visit the area again to have a thorough conversation about the Parish Development Model, Emyooga, and the problem with the area’s infrastructure.

He also urged the crowd to concentrate on his message, which he has been spreading since the 1960s and which is centered around the 4-acre model and the seven activities. With one acre devoted to coffee farming, another to fruit trees, a third to staple crops for domestic use, and a fourth to cattle grazing, the concept promotes diversification. He also mentioned that a farmer may raise pigs and poultry in their backyard.

He stated that this is one of the ways that jobs are produced, citing Hon. Fred Byamukama [Minister of State for Transport] as an example. On his 4 acres, he raises chickens, grows coffee, raises pigs, grows pineapples, and produces dairy products worth Shs. 800 million annually. The sale of eggs brings in a total of shs. 660 million.

The President also highlighted Mr. Richard Nyakana, the proprietor of Kana Farm in Rwengaju village, Kabarole district. Mr. Nyakana makes a fortune from a single acre that has eight cows that provide him with 120 liters of milk per day, poultry that provide him with 102 trays of eggs, and 15 other people besides his family that he employs.

“You will be able to give other Ugandans jobs if you establish a hotel with money like Balaam. The President said, “As a wealthy man, my farm in Rwakitura provides jobs for other Ugandans in that area.”

Regarding other government initiatives, President Museveni urged the young people to utilize the Parish Development Model, which aims to lift them out of poverty, and the Emyooga at the subcounty level.

We send Shs. 100 million year to each parish, or 300 million shillings over three years. The President explained, “And the idea is that you borrow and return after 24 months. Shs. 1 million per family means 100 homesteads per parish annually.”

“We should stop being sidetracked in everything we do and realize that wealth is the cure for poverty,” he continued.

The President pledged to send Shs. 260 million to renovate the historic Kabalega Primary School, which the leaders claimed was in poor condition. Additionally, Shs. 20 million would be given to boda-boda SACCOs and 14 tractors would be sent to the SACCOs of the region’s religious institutions, which include Catholic, Anglican, Muslim, and Pentecostal.

Funds totaling shs.1 billion have already been secured for the rehabilitation of Masindi Hospital, according to Hon. Matia Kasaija, Minister of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development, and the Ministry of Health will shortly start the work.

Jennifer Namuyangu, the state minister for Bunyoro affairs, was among the dignitaries who spoke at the event.

Honorable Phiona Nyamutooro (Minerals), Honorable Alice Kaboyo (Luwero Triangle and Rwenzori region), Honorable Mary Mugasa (Public Service), Honorable Byamukama Fred (transport), Honorable Jacob Oboth Oboth (Defense), Honorable Beatrice Akello (Economic Monitoring), Honorable Victoria Rusoke (Local Government), and Honorable Hamson Obua Denis, Government Chief Whip, were also present at the event.

Members of Parliament, Chairpersons of LC.5, district leaders from Fort Portal, Masindi, Kakumiro, Kikuube, Kiryandongo, Hoima, and Religious leaders were among the others.

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