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President Museveni Recalls Poverty Alleviation Strategy from 1996 Manifesto

He recommended the four-acre model, advising citizens to cultivate coffee, fruits, pasture for zero grazing, and food crops on separate acres. Additionally, he suggested poultry and piggery for non-Muslims and fishponds for those near swamps.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has disclosed that the current problem in Uganda is not a shortage of jobs, but rather an attitude and a lack of vision among residents who refuse to listen to the National Resistance Movement’s (NRM) message of prosperity.

“Don’t complain about a lack of jobs; instead, talk about a lack of vision. “The jobs are there,” he stated.

The President made the remarks today at the International Labour Day celebrations at Mukabura Grounds in Fort Portal City.

International Labour Day, commonly known as May Day, is observed every year on May 1st to recognize the accomplishments and achievements of workers around the world, as well as to promote workers’ rights and opportunities.

The topic for this year’s events was “Improving Access to Labour Justice, A Prerequisite for Increased Productivity”.

According to the President, he has been preaching about wealth creation since 1996, particularly through commercial agriculture with the correct enterprise selection, and if Ugandans rigorously followed the message, the job crisis would be resolved.

“In 1996, Uganda had steadied, and in our manifesto, we mobilised people on how to get out of poverty. We recommended you on the four-acre model. The first acre is planted with coffee, the second with fruits, the third with grassland for zero grazing, and another with food crops. Then, in the backyard, perform poultry and piggery for people who are not Muslims. “Those near the swamps build fishponds,” he explained.

“If Ugandans used their fertile land wisely to generate income through agriculture, all of the children who go out to work for Arabs would not be there. “Jobs are here,” the President emphasized.

President Museveni also cited the example of a model farmer, Mr. Richard Nyakana of Rwengaju, who listened to his message and now earns Shs 180 million a year from dairy, poultry farming, and value addition on one acre of land.

On the other hand, the President urged labor union leaders that if they are to push for jobs, they must first establish a means of wealth generation.

“You cannot have jobs without wealth. As a result, when you speak, you begin by discussing wealth creation. For greater work opportunities, follow the NRM standards, which state that all rural areas must be involved in the money economy through intense and extensive agriculture. We need an organic response to these issues. The issue here is not law, but reality.

He also advised farmers with limited land to avoid substantial agriculture, stating that the activity can only be lucrative if it is practiced on a big scale.

Regarding the tea situation in the Tooro sub-region, President Museveni stated that he knew the crop had problems from the start, which is why he never suggested it as a high-value commodity.

“In my four-acre model and seven activities, I have never mentioned tea. I am aware of the problems with tea, which is why I have never advised it in my works. I suggested coffee, fruits, dairy, food crops for the home, chicken for eggs, piggery, and fish husbandry. This is what I suggested in writing.”

Furthermore, President Museveni stated that government officials and other stakeholders should endeavor to ensure cheap costs of electricity, transportation, and money by increasing funds in the Uganda Development Bank (UDB) to lend to manufacturers at a low interest rate. He stated that this will help to boost the country’s economy.

On the subject of markets that have been heinously taken over by greedy affluent people, President Museveni stated that they will investigate the situation and remove the perpetrators from the premises.

“Parasites have taken over the markets we constructed, displacing the underprivileged. We are going to pursue those unscrupulous individuals who exploit their positions to frustrate the poor.”

President Museveni also confirmed that he will meet with traders on May 7, 2024, to discuss their challenges.

“I’m also looking forward to meeting the labour leaders.”

At the same ceremony, 53 renowned Ugandans received medals for their significant contributions to the promotion of working-class rights and welfare.

The Minister of State for Labour, Employment, and Industrial Relations, Hon. Esther Davinia Anyakun, on behalf of the Minister for Gender, Labour, and Social Development, Hon. Betty Amongi, praised President Museveni for always making time to attend Labour Day celebrations, explaining that the gesture demonstrates his commitment to the welfare of Ugandan workers.

She also stated that the Ministry recognizes the difficulties of unemployment among Ugandans and has several programs in place to address the issue. She mentioned the GROW project, an apprenticeship system to prepare young people for entrepreneurial careers, labor externalisation, and other efforts.

The Minister also stated that the Ministry has developed the Uganda National Employment Strategy, which diagnoses the difficulties facing the country’s labour force and would be presented to Cabinet for approval.

“I wish to extend my appreciation to our social partners for your work towards promoting social and labour justice,” she went on to say.

H.E Hugues Chantry, Ambassador of Belgium to Uganda, congratulated the Ugandan government for establishing a legal framework to protect its workers.

He did, however, express concern about the myriad issues that workers continue to encounter in their employment, such as unjust salaries and dismissals.

“The government of Belgium has been standing by the people of Uganda to improve the standards at the working places,” he said.

Mr. Musa Okello, Chairman General of the National Organisation of Trade Unions (NOTU), has urged for increased access to labour justice in order to boost labour productivity and economic growth.

He also praised President Museveni for ensuring the country’s peace and stability, which has encouraged investment and jobs.

“Workers of Uganda are really grateful to you and your government for the various favourable labour laws,” said the prime minister.

Mr. Okello also praised President Museveni for his affirmative action policies, which have allowed special interest groups to compete favorably in the workplace.

Eng. Silver Mugisha, Chairperson of the Federation of Uganda companies, commended his fellow companies for producing jobs for Ugandans, allowing them to maintain and develop their lives.

“Employers play a pivotal role in the socio-economic transformation of our country,” he remarked.

“Your Excellency, we admire your ability to listen. “You always listen to our concerns,” he said.

Eng. Mugisha also congratulated President Museveni for establishing the State House Investors Protection Unit and the CEO Forum, saying the move reflects the President’s will to combat corruption and boost investment in the country.

The Vice President, H.E Jessica Alupo, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa, the NRM 1st National Vice Chairperson, Al Hajji Moses Kigongo, Ministers, Members of Parliament, and Diplomatic Corps members were also in attendance.

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