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President Museveni Applauds Greater Masaka Residents for Supporting Wealth Creation Programs

President Museveni addressing the people of greater Masaka

The broader Masaka community has been praised by President Yoweri Museveni for adopting his message of wealth development by investing in commercial agriculture.

The President spoke to the leaders who gathered at Masaka liberation square in Masaka city on Tuesday. He is now on an investment and wealth development trip in Greater Masaka with the theme: “Securing your future through wealth creation and shared prosperity.”

“It appears that Masaka’s soil has been productive. While I was traveling about, I noticed a lot of other folks prospering. It appears that many locals have woken up, H. E. Museveni remarked, adding that this was the only change since the 1960s, when many people had resources like land and cows but lacked money and decent housing.

“We began promoting wealth development in 1966, beginning with the cattle corridor. We carried out same campaign again once we were elected to office in 1986. I was certain that it could succeed anyplace if it could in the livestock route, the President said.

In 1996, they offered the 4 acres model for coffee, fruits, pasture for zero-grating cows, and food for domestic use. According to Gen. Museveni, he performed a nationwide tour in 1995 with a concentration on wealth building (okulembeka). Additionally, there may be pigs in the backyard, chickens for eggs, and fishponds for people who live close to wetlands.

The Parable of the Sower, found in Matthew’s book, describes how seeds that fell on fertile ground grew well, while those that fell on barren ground failed to take root. The President was pleased to learn that the people of Masaka are among the many who have understood this wealth creation gospel.
The President visited many commercial growers and youth organizations involved in coffee production while adding value before meeting with the leaders.
These included a group of 401 intelligent individuals who owned 120 acres of coffee and bananas and earned $8 million per acre from coffee in Kakunyu. The President met a group of 2,500 young people in Kyannamukaaka who had coffee fields and were also involved in coffee processing.
The former Vice President Edward Sekkandi at the function in greater Masaka

“I was overjoyed to notice this. Additionally, people are actually constructing nicer homes all around the world using cement and Mabaati (iron sheets). There aren’t any houses with grass thatching everywhere. I’m therefore delighted to hear that Masaka is doing well, and let’s simply add this. We must identify and assist those who are still outside the money economy, consolidate those who are already in the money-making category, and combat land fragmentation in the region, H.E. Museveni said, adding that in some areas we are only just getting started.

“I’m not just talking politics, this is the strategy I want for the Masaka area here. The President urged politicians to develop a sound strategy for concentrating wealth by stating that “security, food, education, income, and infrastructure are the main issues in politics.

H.E. Museveni highlighted, “The leaders and the professionals (farm officers, veterinary officers, etc.) in this region work with the leaders to develop a strategy that the central government would support to consolidate those who have joined the money creation record.

He added requested that authorities work to prevent land fragmentation among the populace, claiming that it is one of the things that causes poverty to spread after a piece of land has been cut up.
When the family head passes away, halt the culture of division. You offer the kids shares in your estate if you wish to leave something to them. Therefore, the company you left behind will continue to exist, and although each kid will take a portion and start their own independent business, the actual company will still exist. They can even grow if they so want, but in any event, it will result in the creation of additional enterprises, said H.E. Museveni.
By joining Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (SACCO) groups, the President urged the people of wider Masaka to accept and embrace the Parish Development Model (PDM) and Emyooga funds so that those who are still outside the money economy might get starting funding. He explained the matter here, offering Emyooga finances a choice: return the money in full within a year (12 months), or pay in installments over the course of two years (24 months). He stated that the return time for the PDM money should be after 24 months (2 years) or in installments, with a 36-month completion window.
We’re not here to exploit you for profit; instead, we want to lift you out of poverty. I thus don’t want to hear any more stories. You own this money. When you pay, the money stays in your Sacco’s and we’ll keep adding; it won’t go back to the government. The President said, to tremendous applause, “This is a really good method to pull you people out of poverty.
The Head of State suggested that the PDM and Emyooga monies be used for the poor and low-income earners, and that the wealthy should use the Uganda Development Bank (UDB) and other commercial institutions. Regarding the infrastructure, the President reassured the residents of greater Masaka that the government is aware of all the local roads and that plans are in place to have them fixed, but he urged them to exercise patience as the government gathers resources.
The Mbiriizi-Mateete-Ssembabule road, the Rusaalira-Nkongi-Makore-Ntuusi-Ssembabule road, the Kyabakuza-Kibinge-Mateete-Ssembabule road, the Lyantonde-Lumbugu-Rakai Road, and the Kyamuliibwa-Kalungu-Bugomol
We will repair all of those roads. However, we need to have nice murram roads in the interim. The President emphasized that he had traveled today from Kakunyu on a “very good murram road, well compacted with drainage,” and he urged people to concentrate on accumulating riches.

“There was no asphalt road in Kisozi in 1990 when I went there seeking for land to develop riches. The tarmac road was halting in Kyantonde when I traveled to Rwakitura in 1967, according to H.E. Museveni.

However, while expressing sympathy for the Greater Masaka residents who had their road washed by the River Katonga, President Museveni applauded the NRM administration for its strategic planning and asserted that “Uganda cannot be paralyzed.”

According to him, the Mpigi-Maddu-Kisozi-Ssembabule road was built with the intention of connecting that region with Mityana, Mubende, Fort Portal, Kampala, and ultimately Masaka and Mbarara. The President informed the crowd that there are plans for a road connecting Kifampa with VillaMaria, Kyamulibwa, Kalungu, and Bugomola.

Maj. (Rtd) Jessica Alupo Rose Epel, Vice President of Uganda, complimented President Museveni for his persistent efforts to bring the 39% of families into the money economy and praised the people of Masaka for joining the rest of the nation in embracing wealth creation and other government initiatives.
The Vice President praised the President, saying, “In your leadership, you have encouraged unity and now all the people speak the same language of kicking poverty and embracing wealth creation.”
The opposition National Unity Platform party’s Masaka District L.C. 5 Chairperson Andrew Lukyamuzi Batemyetto attended the meeting and informed the President that his people have accepted government initiatives and are prepared for the Parish Development Model since they have participated as leaders.
However, he urged President Museveni to lower fertilizer prices in order to increase output of coffee and pineapples.
The meeting was preceded by lectures on agriculture by Hon. Fred Bwino Kyakulaga, on the parish development model by Hon. Ssozi Denis Ggalabuzi, on investment opportunities in Greater Masaka by Uganda Investment Authority Director General Mr. Robert Mukiza and Morrison Rwakakamba, the chairperson of UIA, and on Emyooga funds by Hon. Haruna Kyeyune Kasolo (Minister for Microfinance). 
From the districts that make up Greater Masaka, including Masaka, Rakai, Kyotera, Lyantonde, Lwengo, Bukomansimbi, Kalangala, Ssembabule, Kalungu, and Masaka City, LC.5 Chairpersons, sub county Chairpersons, and NRM leaders attended the conference.
Deputy Secretary General of NRM Rose Namayanja Nsereko, Former Vice President Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, Government Chief Whip Hon. Hamson Obua, Hon. Ministers Vincent Ssempijja (Defense & Veteran Affairs), Evelyn Anite (Investment), Judith Nabakooba (Lands), Oleru Huda (Veteran Affairs), and Members of Parliament from the area were also present. 

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