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Kayunga Youth Urged to Take Advantage of PDM, Emyooga to Uplift Their Welfare

I invite you to take advantage of the funding the government is providing through the Parish Development Model (PDM) and Emyooga. Kayunga has several prospective industries, including livestock, poultry, and fruit farming that may be done on a large scale. These grants are intended for people like you who have artisanal skills and endeavors.
Minister Babalanda, Ahamed Seguya Memorial Technical Institute administrators and some of the graduands during the institution’s graduation ceremony

The people of Kayunga have been praised for putting into practice the National Resistance Movement’s (NRM) policy of skilling Ugandans by Minister for the Presidency, Hon. Babirye Milly Babalanda.

Hon. Babirye Milly Babalanda asserts that the NRM government places a high priority on skill development since it offers the most direct answer to the country’s most difficult problem—youth unemployment.

The Minister made the comments yesterday 21st June 2023 when she presided over Ahamed Sseguya Memorial Technical Institute-Kayunga’s inaugural graduation ceremony.

“The graduates in front of us are the result of our intentional program to train Ugandans. However, you shouldn’t consider skilling to be just a government initiative. The corporate sector is also working to improve skills, the Hon. Babalanda noted.

“Countries that have seen economic growth have placed a strong emphasis on raising residents’ levels of ability. She continued, “Nations that have improved their human resources through programs for vocational skilling include Japan, China, Singapore, India, and Malaysia.

The Minister also thanked Kayunga’s residents for keeping in mind Ahamed Seguya, who played a crucial role in the protracted conflict that put the NRM government in power in 1986.

I can tell you esteem his accomplishments because you named this institution in his honor.She remarked, “What I am witnessing now is precisely what comrade Sseguya and others were fighting for.

By the time of the conflict, the levels of literacy and college education were still very low. But as you can see, we have a huge number of universities, academic institutions, and secondary and elementary schools.

Hon. Babalanda gave the graduates additional instructions to think past their graduation ceremony and to begin working on initiatives that will support self-employment through individual businesses.

“You are expected to put the knowledge you have gained to use by helping your parents launch successful commercial farming ventures. She said, “In addition, I invite you to take advantage of the funding the government is providing through the Parish Development Model (PDM) and Emyooga. Kayunga has several prospective industries, including livestock, poultry, and fruit farming that may be done on a large scale. These grants are intended for people like you who have artisanal skills and endeavors.

On the other hand, the Minister instructed the Kayunga Resident District Commissioner to collaborate with the Vocational College Principal and the Kayunga Local Government Authorities to make sure that the graduates receive the Emyooga money.

“However, I must advise you to develop a culture and a practice of prudent money management. Don’t waste your hard-earned money on items that could lead to the acquisition of fatal diseases like AIDS or the total loss of your savings through gambling.

Hon. Babalanda further advised the Kayunga leaders to work together to promote the Parish Development Model (PDM) and Emyooga government policies. She claimed that the two programs are intended to increase peoples’ welfare.

“Unlike banks and money lenders, the funds do not have many restrictions on access.The lives of our people will change if we can effectively use the funding, she said.

“I advise the general population not to provide bribes in exchange for access to this money. The RDCs/RCCs should receive complaints from the public about anyone demanding bribes. You are urged to notify the Minister if the RDC/RCC is the one demanding the money.

Regarding value addition, the Minister gave the residents of Kayunga advice to encourage commercial agriculture by utilizing the region’s fertile soils.

The district has an abundance of corn and other grains. Please process all of the cereals and the corn because these can sell for more money. Utilize the equipment offered by the CAIIP program to increase the value of all your produce.

Hon. Babalanda was pleased to learn that there had been fewer reports of illegal evictions and land grabbing in Kayunga.

“I still advise you to obtain titles for your properties. If you don’t do this, the fraudsters will put titles on your land, and it will take protracted legal fights to undo this. The RDCs/RCCs are having trouble implementing the presidential decree on land evictions because of this specific scenario. Please alert the RDC and the local authorities about land grabbing.

She also asked the parents to discuss HIV/AIDS with their kids. She argued that although AIDS is still a fatal disease, it can be prevented if children are raised with discipline and good moral and cultural values.

“Please keep in mind that AIDS therapies are very expensive and lifelong. You do not want your young child to begin on lifelong AIDS treatment. Both the leaders and the instructors in the schools must to regularly discuss AIDS.


According to the minister, corruption is a significant factor in the nation’s subpar service delivery. Every year, the government sends money to the districts, but due to the actions of unpatriotic individuals, nothing but subpar work and squandered tax dollars is produced.

She exhorted everyone to get up and fight against this vice.

Hadijah Nakakande Ssenyondo, the principal of Ahamed Seguya Memorial Technical Institute, praised President Museveni for ordering the institution to be renamed in honor of the late Ahamed Seguya, a veteran NRA soldier who worked to build Kayunga.

In contrast to other academic fields, Ms. Nakakande bemoaned the low enrollment in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). She urged parents to support their kids, especially the young people, in enrolling in skills training programs regardless of their academic standing.

“In this 21st century, flexibility in skill acquisition is paramount as we should be able to learn, unlearn, and re-learn skills at the right time depending on the dynamics of the technology,” she said.

Ms. Nakakande also expressed her gratitude to President Museveni for raising the salaries of scientists in the nation, noting that this will probably have a favorable effect on how parents view TVET and other sciences.

Hajjat Madinah Serunjogi, the chairperson of the institute’s board of governors, commended the government of Uganda, represented by the ministry of education, for the ongoing support that has made it possible to maintain the institution’s day-to-day operations.

Hajjat Serunjogi stated, “Due to government backing, we continue paying staff salary and assisting the teaching and learning process.

“To the graduates: Congratulations! You worked hard and accomplished what many people wanted to do but were unable to do. Be thankful since many people will stop en route. Your dedication and tenacity are evident in your graduation today.

The President is upset that some Ugandans are still living in poverty, according to Ms. Ritah Namuwenge, the Emyooga National Coordinator, and he has been developing several programs to address the issue.

“H.E. the President knows that we want to work but the challenge is capital so through Emyooga we are giving you seed capital to work and make you rich,” Ms. Namuwenge said to the graduates.

The Ahamed Seguya Memorial Technical Institute has been raised to the status of a university, according to Dr. Dan Bubaale, the Kayunga District Education Officer (DEO). He claimed that by taking this action, Uganda will be able to realize the main tenets of its strategy for socioeconomic development.

The best course of action is to skill Uganda. I serve as a living example, said Dr. Bubaale.

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