The transformative program aims to transition the majority of households from subsistence livelihoods to market-oriented production with a substantial 16 billion shillings payment to 553 Emyooga SACCOS.
According to Atweeta, emyooga funds have been a tremendous source of finance for hundreds of produce traders in the region, allowing many of them to enhance their lives.
According to Patrick Kitara, the Gulu district focal point person for the Emyooga program, the operation would begin with the Politicians’ group because it is one of the worst performers
According to Kampala Resident City Commissioner Aminah Lukanga, most SACCOS have failed to give a report to the government on how the money was spent, saying that the borrowed members
Women business owners who support the Presidential Initiative on Wealth and Job Creation (Emyooga) call it a lifeline since it has made it simple for them to get loans with
The minister stated that the government has finally hushed the critics who warned that the current poverty Alleviation program will fail and result in a stillbirth.
Ugandans, according to President Museveni, should use funds granted by Emyooga, the Parish Development Model [PDM], and the Uganda Development Bank [UDB] to develop themselves.
In her remarks, the ONC leader reminded Mityana residents that H.E Museveni has sent them greetings and is monitoring the situation. She thanked them for showing up in such large
The discussions at State House Entebbe focused on opportunities for the NRM party in Buganda as well as difficulties that need to be addressed immediately in order to boost the
The Parish Development Model focuses on generating socioeconomic transformation by converting households in each parish that still practice subsistence agriculture to commercial agriculture.