Tirinyi is too far, according to Busia district secretary for health and education Betty Ajambo, who is pleading with the government to establish a new training center for the districts
President Yoweri Museveni pleaded with the government to set aside shillings 130 billion in 2020 for the building of 21 zonal industrial centres around the nation to improve youth skill
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni will set up common user facilities equipped with machines that will be used by the beneficiaries of the Presidential Initiative on Skilling the Girl/Boy Child (PISGBC)
The majority of the youths have shown what they have learned since being recruited in March 2023 as they prepare to write their final tests set by the Directorate of
Hon. Persis Namuganza stated that the PISGBC initiative has played a significant role in skilling poor youngsters in Kampala, which has helped to establish work possibilities and consequently improve their