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PM Robina Nabbanja Launches e-payment System for PDM Beneficiaries

WENDI is a digital wallet that facilitates financial services and allows PDM beneficiaries to access monies from any location.

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has introduced WENDI, an electronic mobile payment innovation system, to assist Parish Development Model (PDM) beneficiaries in readily accessing cash in their area of operations.

WENDI is a digital wallet that facilitates financial services and allows PDM beneficiaries to access monies from any location.

Officiating at the launch on behalf of the Prime Minister, Kabuye Kyofatogabye, state minister for Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), said WENDI is an app developed by Post Bank in collaboration with Airtel-Uganda and Pride Microfinance Bank that allows all program beneficiaries to access funds on their mobile phones without incurring bank charges.

“I’d like to challenge all PDM beneficiaries to embrace this innovation.” It will help to cut transportation costs as well as fees incurred when obtaining funds from financial institutions,” Kyofatogabye explained.

He stated that 11.3 billion has been earmarked for Kakumiro, with 3.5 billion already on 105 Kakumiro parish SACCOS, and that the mobile system innovation will be pushed out across the country.

“I am pleased that over 100 groups have formed and are prepared to access 11.3 billion PDM funds at the parish level.” “You must consolidate the achievements of the NRM, which is President Yoweri Museveni’s initiative,” Kyofatogabye stated.

Kyofatogabye also handed over 20 mobile smart-phones to parish SACCOS leaders, allowing group members to easily access monies as long as they had their National Identity cards.

Speaking at the launch, Julius Kakeeto, managing director of Post Bank, and Japheth Aritho, executive director of Airtel-Uganda, said the new mobile banking innovation was aimed at bringing people into the money economy and ensuring that all PDM beneficiaries have easy access to funds.

Kakumiro vice-chairperson Grace Batalingaya and Kakumiro resident district commissioner Major Rtd David Matovu praised President Museveni for the growth in Kakumiro.

Nixon Ankunda, the Kakumiro district PDM focus person as well as the Kakumiro district community development officer, stated that WENDI innovation will help approximately 2,000 individuals from several parishes.

PDM beneficiaries Thomas Tibalikenda and Betty Kabanyoro praised the new invention and thanked the government, noting that it will cut transportation costs to financial institutions from Kakumiro district to Mubende municipality.

“I’d like to express my gratitude to President Museveni for remembering us in Kakumiro.” This strategy would lower the significant transportation costs and fees associated with accessing PDM funding,” Kabanyoro added.

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