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Kikuube District Launches PDM Funds

The distribution of Parish Development Mode (PDM) money for the Kikuube district began today. Friday 04th Aug 2023

The state minister for works, Fred Byamukama, started the disbursement at the Kikuube district headquarters.

According to Byamukama, the cabinet just issued a resolution stating that each beneficiary will receive one million shillings, which will be repaid in two years.

Byamukama further reported that the president directed banks not to deduct any money from PDM recipients, and that Parish Chiefs will receive a bicycle and $100,000 each month as an allowance to avoid charging beneficiaries.

Asera Stephen Itaza, Member of Parliament for Buhaguzi East, revealed that in order to ensure that PDM beneficiaries are registered on time, he offered four laptop computers to the PDM field team and requested that the minister ensure that parish chiefs have enough tools to do their jobs effectively.

Asera vowed to collaborate with other district leaders to ensure the success of the PDM initiative. He also urged people to treat PDM like a newborn if it is to progress and accomplish its ultimate goal of poverty Alleviation.